
Moment By Moment

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Friend Forever

I had a dream lastnight,
Us, laying on the beach until twilight,
You and I, wishing to the almighty heaven above,
And hoping to find meaning of the word "LOVE",
In which the dream reveals nothing,
Instead, only played fragments my awakening...

Even in the dream questions you asked were the same,
And I was deaf and blind once again,
Your eyes searched mine,
But there was nothing there to find,
Neither acknowledge nor hide what we feel inside,
But the "truth" lies deep in our heart where it hides...

Then I woke up in the morning and wonder about,
The dream I had...I had lastnight,
Once more, I think those questions over and over,
And realized, for you I have nothing to offer,
My feelings towards you and everything,
The answer to your questions forever remain same...


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